Zynga... VR?!? Mountain Goat Mountain

Posted on Aug 08, 2016

There is an iOS/Android game from Zynga that they ported to VR called Mountain Goat Mountain. It was released for free on Oculus store, so I gave it a play.

The gameplay was relatively simple, go up the mountain as high as you can. I am kind of an impaitent player and think of games like Icy Tower when I think of climbing vertically endlessly. In this game you have to move extremely quickly to not perish. I believe the experience that I have in games like Icy Tower was detrimental to my beginner gameplay of MGM becuase the speed I was moving at was unnecessarily brisk compared to what the game required.

The clip that is on this page is the highest run of the total 30 minutes that I tooled around in this experience. Just over 265 Meters.

Here is a link to the full stream if you're interested in seeing the progression of the game as I played it, including the battle with the XB1 controller that I gave up on.

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Who is this site for?

My name is Sw33tP34 (Sweet Pea).

I enjoy making content for the internet from podcasts to game play footage to commentaries. More recently, I've switched focus to streaming more VR content via my Oculus Rift.
This site is for anyone who wants hand selected moments from my stream or YouTube channel.