Posted on Apr 13, 2017
This landing in Elite: Dangerous was the last time I docked my Sidewinder. I didn't know this was the case as I flew in. When I saw how much money I had made, I decided it was time! I grabbed a Cobra MKIII. It's got just as long of a range and it even has weapons, cargo, and sheids equipped!
This clip starts at the tail end of a hyperspace jump. After a quick redirect away from that star, I made the last jump of the journey. Once you jump to the system you need, you stay in supercruise until you get close to the actual object you intend to interact with. You drop out of supercruise when in the proper range then request docking.
Docking was hard initially, I'm used to it now. In the extended version of this 5.5 hour broadcast, I take the SRV out and you can even see my FLY the Cobra!
Here is a link to the 5.5 hour broadcast time coded to where the clip you saw ends about halfway into the long video, if you're into seeing that kind of thing.
My name is Sw33tP34 (Sweet Pea).
I enjoy making content for the internet from podcasts to game play footage to commentaries. More recently, I've switched focus to streaming more VR content via my Oculus Rift.
This site is for anyone who wants hand selected moments from my stream or YouTube channel.