Posted on Jan 02, 2017
Please Don't Touch Anything is an exploration puzzle. It was well known in pixel art form. I never played. I'm very happy for that because I get to solve all of this in VR!
Without revealing too much about the weird parts I did to get a blaclight to read these codes in the book to type in the pad to etc. This is a pretty quick part I thought demonstrates the game mechanics pretty well.
This whole genre will explode if VR numbers keep rising.
Here is a link to the full stream if you're interested in seeing the progression of the game as I played/solved it.
My name is Sw33tP34 (Sweet Pea).
I enjoy making content for the internet from podcasts to game play footage to commentaries. More recently, I've switched focus to streaming more VR content via my Oculus Rift.
This site is for anyone who wants hand selected moments from my stream or YouTube channel.