A non-VR feat over the weekend.

Posted on Jun 13, 2016

I have been playing Overwatch again.

When I was in the beta, I got the Death from Above achievement. I called that video "Rocket Reign". Simple, get four kills without touching the ground. It's not as simple as I remember.

I have a 13 kill streak but that doesn't mean I made it. The whole video was a fun time. If you're short on time, jump to 1:58.

After the pop, another great Ult happens. You can really hear the relief at the conclusion of this event.

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My name is Sw33tP34 (Sweet Pea).

I enjoy making content for the internet from podcasts to game play footage to commentaries. More recently, I've switched focus to streaming more VR content via my Oculus Rift.
This site is for anyone who wants hand selected moments from my stream or YouTube channel.