new_releases Forgot a Thing in the back of the Truck

new_releases Posted on Jan 18, 2017

It's totally safe when driving down the highway at speed to get up and go to the back of your sleeper cab to grab something, right?

The slow realization that I had sat back down and forgotten my vape was not cool. I play this in a kind of sim mode where once I start a run there is no pausing. Now, I could have found a rest area, pulled over, stopped the engine, got the thing, and reversed the process to get back going.

I decided not today. I wanted to make some good time on this haul. I set cruise control and went into the back of the truck.

After that I decided to skip the merge and hop past the queue.

Did I crash either time? Both? What happened? Find out!

new_releases = Bonus Post
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My name is Sw33tP34 (Sweet Pea).

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