Oculus HDMI pins and the resolution

Posted on Jun 08, 2016

I ordered some extensions for my Oculus Rift in an effort to plug it in and hang the cable from the ceiling.

The Rift didn't work with the extension cables.

The cables themselves came recommended by an Oculus staffer named cyber-reality (Head of Support Relations). I started investigating the possible cause when I found the missing/bent pin shown in the photo.

I contacted support on May 24th. A tense, but short, hour and a half later I had a response! Oculus needed some pictures. That was resonable request. I explained I only had a cellphone camera that wouldn't take great macros and I sent the first photo you see here. The reason I'm sure they were asking for photos is that the 5v pin of an HDMI cable is always inset to protect it. I made sure my picture showed a pin that shouldn't be bent.

Another two hours pass and I get a response stating that they're going to check the pictures and update me soon.

-27 hours pass-

Oculus: "Can we have your address and serial number?"

Sw33tP34: "Yes, and here's a picture of the serial as well. :)"

-3 days pass-

Sw33tp34: "Did you guys recieve that info?"

Oculus: "..."

-7 days pass-

Oculus: "I wanted to let you know that we didn't forget about you. We have processed a new cable to be sent to the address you provided, my apologies that it took a bit longer than expected. You should receive the new cable in the next few days."

-The next few days pass-

A replacement cable arrived on June 7th and now my extensions work perfectly. People said they had tons of trouble with support, but it was pretty painless for me. :)

I have the new connect point pictured them here.


( <> .. <> )

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My name is Sw33tP34 (Sweet Pea).

I enjoy making content for the internet from podcasts to game play footage to commentaries. More recently, I've switched focus to streaming more VR content via my Oculus Rift.
This site is for anyone who wants hand selected moments from my stream or YouTube channel.